The best tips to never forget your password

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Passwords ensure the security and privacy of our social networks, credit services, work, college website, and thousands of other possibilities. But because of the large number of services we use that require passwords, it is not always easy to remember all the services we have. And if you're one of those who always tries to use the same password for everything, you know that some services require different characters, and sometimes you can't use the usual password. Regardless of your case, in this article you will find the best tips to remember your passwords.

The best tips to never forget your password

How to create an easy to remember password? Some may think of using something simple, such as your birthday date. But it's only a matter of time before anyone guesses this password, after all, it's pretty obvious. And, as we suggested in the first paragraph, it is even possible to use the same password across multiple services, but there is a real risk that someone might find out, or even a virus could capture a password, and guess what happens in this case? The wrongdoer who can gain access to your master password will have access to many of your things on different platforms. Therefore, it may not be good to use this strategy.
will effectively violate all your secure sites. You need to use a complex and unique password for each secure site, and the only practical way to manage it is with a password manager.

Password Managers

There is still a good option, but you will need to use a service. We are talking about password managers. These apps can connect to all your devices, whether they are desktops, notebooks, smartphones or tablets. They generate unquestionable passwords, like  ir23 # m # uBJP! 4i0k , and it will remind you of the password for you, and allow you to automatically save them to log in.
But there is a problem. Almost all password managers rely on a master password to ensure the security of all these saved passwords. The master password must be completely malicious to crack, because anyone with access to it can access all of your accounts. 

But it should also be totally memorable, not like the jargon that comes from a random password generator. If you forget the master password, no one can help you. On the plus side, it also means that a rogue friend or family member cannot break into your password store, but if you forget, you may lose access to all passwords stored there.

Let's say you did everything right, in terms of safety. You have installed an antivirus or a security suite, and you use a virtual private network, also known as a VPN , that encrypts all your browsing. Plus, you use a password manager to handle your plethora of code. You will still need to remember an insanely secure master password to lock the password manager. Here are some tips on selecting a password that is memorable and unpredictable. 

Make it poetic

Everyone has a favorite poem or song they will never forget. It can be from Shakespeare, Pussy Riot or Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Whatever the stanza or verse, you can turn it into a password. See how.
Begin by writing the first letter of each syllable, using interspersed uppercase letters. Let's try this line from Romeo and Juliet: "But soft, what light through the window breaks?" From this would you get  S, qLaDjQ ?  You could add  A2S2  to Act 2, Scene 2 if it's something you'll never forget. Or 1597 ,  for the year of publication.
If the passage does not have a strong gauge, you can simply take the first letter of each word. Starting with the quote "Be yourself, because everyone else already exists. - Oscar Wilde", you could invent svmptooje. -OW . Adding a memorable number completes the password, perhaps 1854 (your date of birth) or 1900 (your death). 
Your poetic password will be completely different from these examples, of course. You'll start with your own song or meaningful quote, and make it a unique password that no one else could guess. 

Use a passphrase

Password experts always recommend including all four character types: uppercase, lowercase, digits, and symbols. The reasoning is that by expanding the character set, you greatly expand the time required to crack the password. But the length also makes the password harder, and one way to get a long, memorable password is to use a passphrase.
You can start by using a common word, replacing some of the letters with similar numbers, and adding some extra characters. For example, suppose the words you choose are the name of our site, Net Workshop. What if the password was = 0f1c1b4 = D4 = N37 = . Much harder than just " workshop ", isn't it?
Ideally, use no spaces in the password, and not all password managers allow spaces in the master password. No problems! Just choose a character like the hyphen, period, or equal sign to separate the words. 
Tip: Do not use a character that requires pressing the Shift key. Choose words that do not match naturally and make up a story.
If you have trouble creating unrelated words for your password, there are many online passphrase generators, such as a password generator. You may reasonably worry about using a password generated by someone else's algorithm. In this case, you can generate multiple passwords and cut the first word out of each one.

Longer passwords are better

Steve Gibson, a longtime computer expert, suggests that the key to long and strong passwords is fill-in. If an attacker cannot crack your password using simple means, the only feature is a brute force check of all possible passwords. And each word added makes this attack massively more difficult.
Some people, trying to make their passwords harder, use three exclamation marks at the end. This is not recommended. First, it requires the shift key. Secondly, it is very predictable. 
Instead, choose two nearby keys and toggle, adding something like  vcvcvcvc . Or choose three characters, such as  lkjlkjlkjlkj . The Gibson calculator, developed by Steve Gibson to calculate the strength of a password, said it would take more than two days for Cracking Matrix Scenario Mass (Assuming one hundred trillion palpitesdecifrar password  mS, qLaDjQ?  (Romeo password and Juliet from the previous example.) Adding  vcvcvcvc  increases to over a billion centuries.

Long, strong and memorable

After investing in a password manager and converting all your logins to use strong and unique passwords, the only password you still need to remember is the one that opens the password manager itself. This master password unlocks everything else, so you really need to spend some time with a master that you can easily remember, but that would be impossible for someone else to guess or crack.
Create a password based on a famous poem, song or phrase. Or create a password by linking words unrelated to a memorable image or story. Then add some easy-to-type fills. You will end up with a master password that is memorable and undecipherable.


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